La Intermundial Holobiente are artist Claudia Fontes, philosopher Paula Fleisner, and writer Pablo M. Ruiz. Their common practice lies in the intersection of philosophy, literature, and visual arts, all articulated through the materiality found in bookmaking processes. They propose multi-angled conversations to imagine and give shape to a posthuman, non-anthropocentric world where anything and everything is taken into account.

The Book of the Ten Thousand Things, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, 2022, Photo: Virginia Buitrón
They invent imaginative practices that include the other-than-human in their own terms to learn from nonhuman perspectives about this world made of many worlds. They propose to replace the supposedly universal question “What to do?” for the more modest and provisional artistic and political question “How to do?” Paula, Claudia and Pablo grew up in Argentina.
Paula is a founding member of Colectiva Materia, a collective of three philosophers based in Argentina that explores the possibilities of a posthuman materialism. Paula is also part of Ni Una Menos, a feminist collective of activists from Argentina.
Pablo is a founding member of Outranspo (Ouvroir de translation potencial), a group of multilingual translators, writers, researchers and musicians who have been devoting themselves to creative approaches to translation since 2014.
Claudia initiated Trama, a program for the cooperation between artists, which was part of the RAIN network from 2000 to 2006. Since then she has been involved in and supported self-organization and DIY culture among the artists’ communities she has been part of.
In Kassel the collective plays an intermediary role. Fleisner, Fontes, and Ruiz have chosen to work in a “feral” area of the Karlsaue State Park, that has escaped human design: the compost heap. There, they have built a habitat to house The Book of The Ten Thousand Things, a publication written and edited in a polyphonic way among fourteen artists and writers from Argentina: Erica Bohm, Virginia Buitrón, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Tulio de Sagastizábal, Lucas Di Pascuale, Carla Grunauer, Reynaldo Jiménez, Guadalupe Lucero, Anahí Rayén Mariluán, Leticia Obeid, Sergio Raimondi, Luis Sagasti, Ral Veroni, Susana Villalba, and the “intermundiales” themselves, all gathered under the idea of summoning non-human authors. The Book of the Ten Thousand Things is the first book of their collection El Book Wei.
La Intermundial Holobiente designs a space for reading, writing, and discussion in the Karlsaue State Park, surrounded by living matter. Here, the content of The Book of the Ten Thousand Things expands and unfolds into images and actions. An English version of the book is available to explore and interact with as an open archive. The Spanish edition will find its definitive place in the documenta archive. Under the title What’s the Matter? the collective contributes to the lumbung program.
Invited participants
Noelia Billi
Ingrid Bleynat
Erica Bohm
Virginia Buitrón
Gabriela Cabezón Cámara
Lucio Capece
Graciela Carnevale
Tulio De Sagastizábal
Lucas Di Pascuale
Paula Fleisner
Claudia Fontes
Carla Grunauer
Gustavo Ibarra
Reynaldo Jiménez
Guadalupe Lucero
Anahí Rayen Mariluán
Pablo Martín Ruiz
Pablo Méndez
Isabel Mendoza
Juan Mendoza
Karina Mendoza
Guadalupe Miles
Leticia Obeid
Sergio Raimondi
Sol Rébora
Luis Sagasti
Hector (Chino) Soria
The ten thousand things
Ral Veroni
Susana Villalba
Weavers of the Tewok Cultural Centre