Easy read
About documenta fifteen
documenta is an art exhibition
in the city of Kassel in Germany.
This art exhibition takes place every 5 years.
documenta is on for 100 days.
During that time you will find
many interesting pieces of art all over the city.
The next documenta takes place this year.
It is called documenta 15.
Sometimes we write the name in words: documenta fifteen.
You can see these words on this website.
They are at the top of this page on the right.
documenta 15 takes place from 18th June
to 25th September 2022.

An art exhibition is a special event.
People can do many different things there.
For example:
- They can have a look at various pieces of art.
- They can talk to other people.
- And they can take part in the event.
Pieces of art are for example:
- Paintings
- Photography
- Films
- Art figures
- Or special events.
Lumbung is a word from the Indonesian language.
It means: Rice barn.
But Lumbung can also mean many other things.
For example:
- Friendship,
- working well together,
- sharing things,
- looking after everyone in a group.
That is why Lumbung is an important idea
for documenta 15.
If you read further, you can find out more about it.
In this text, the word Lumbung
is always written with an upper case L.
But it might be written in lower case in other texts.
The word looks like this then: lumbung.

On this web page, you can learn about:
- the different kinds of tickets at documenta 15,
- how much each ticket costs,
- how you can get your ticket,
- and why you do something good
when you buy your ticket.
We want documenta 15 to be as barrier-free as possible.
This means that lots more people can come
and take part.
documenta 15 is not completely barrier-free.
These things are being done to make it more accessible:
Accessibility means:
There are no barriers for people
with disabilities.
This means, for example:
- Next to the stairs, there is a ramp.
So that wheelchair users can get up there.
People can get easy-to-read information.
So that more people
understand the information.
Who made this website?
The texts in Easy Read were written by:
leicht ist klar – Büro für Leichte Sprache, Kassel.
leicht ist klar is a member of the organisation
Netzwerk Leichte Sprache e.V..
The texts were proof-read by experts from leicht ist klar
and by the reading group of the Kasseler Werkstatt.
The pictures on this web page were made by:
© Lingyu Jin, 2021, Kassel