reinaart vanhoe lives, works, and teaches in Rotterdam, where he runs the space ook_. Born in the small village of Beveren-Leie, he grew his hair long. In this way he gave supporters of rival soccer teams an opportunity to yell “there is a girl on the pitch.”

ook_reinaart vanhoe, drawing, 2014
Once he touched ground at Rotterdam he played for a Turkish club. He could bring his new Indonesian friends from ruangrupa (2000) to the club to greet the Dutch-Indonesian coach. Meanwhile he studied audio-visual design in Gent and Tilburg, and joined the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, in 1999.
Making space and meeting people are central to vanhoe’s art. Everyday activities connect vision and plans for how a space is inhabited and activated in practice. In his study of independent cultural spaces and art collectives in Indonesia and China, called Also-Space: From Hot to Something Else (2016), he refers to his vision of a space as “also space.” The meaning of space is flexible, depending on the needs of the context where it is situated. In Rotterdam, the Netherlands, reinaart and his partner, mariëlle verdijk, opened up their house and turned it into ook_huis — a free space for neighbors and friends. To refer to himself, reinaart goes by ook_. It is also a way to acknowledge collaborations with other people.
For documenta fifteen, ook_ has collaboratively developed ook_visitorZentrum on Weserstraße 26. ook_ consists of various groups of friends, which are also part of the collective’s growing name. To activate the space, the “shrine” concept is appropriated in its literal and metaphorical meanings. In this context, a shrine is divorced from its ascribed meaning as a holy place to host memorabilia and religious relics. The familiarity of the concept is used as a tool and reason to be together with others. The idea of a shrine materializes a space for collectivism and horizontality. It opens up possibilities to problematize the relational positions of the shrine groups, the continuously changing roles of guest and host, in local contexts.
vanhoe has been working with ruangrupa for more than 20 years in different projects, such as ruru huis Sonsbeek in Arnhem (2016). His involvement relates to the method of scoring and documenting in order to render collaborative processes into tools replicable for others to take away. He has been teaching at the Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, since 2002.
Invited participants
Matin Abbas
Pauline Brämer
Simon Browne
Donata Clemens
Zoë Cochia
Cristina Cochior
Philipp Colorado
Florian Cramer
Rieneke de Vries
Angeliki Diakrousi
Tamara Drath
Sabine Dühring
Josefina Dux
Hannan El Mikdam-Lasslop
Selma El Mikdam-Lasslop
Tilman Evers
Jana Faßbender
Philipp Firmbach
Sara Hamadeh
Carolin Angulo Hammes
Ole Handschug
Tomi Hilsee
Niklas Holzhauer
Araby Yakoub Ibrahim
Stefany Karghoti
Khalat Khalaf Khalil
Hannah Koerner
Julia Kopylova
Norgard Kröger
Judith Leijdekkers
Silvio Lorusso
Wad Maback
Rana Matloub
Teferi Mekonen
Stefan Nadolny
Sascha Nelle
Ingo Nitsche
Christian Reber
Jens Redemann
Rui Reis
Palaver Rhababa
Pris Roos
Stefan Roser
Coco Rufer
Rosalío Ochoa Saavedra
Rahila Sahebdel
Flora Saß
Merlind Sauerland
Mayra Alejandra Schultheis
Suchee Simonti
Friederike Spieker
Sophie Stein
Meike Stricker
Luca Marie Tüshaus
Odinaka Uche-Okolo
Ana Maria Vallejo
Camilo Vega Vega
Dalia Velandia
Ana Vera
Mariëlle verdijk
Friedrich Carl von Uckro von Uckro
Jan Wortmann
Zemenu Tenagne Zeleke
Carl-Schomburg-Schule, Kassel
Deborah Manavi – Partizipative Tanzforschung zum Common Ground
Diakonisches Werk Region Kassel
Divine Impact Church of God
Essbare Stadt e.V.,
Ev. Hoffnungskirchengemeinde
Familienbildungsstätte Sternschnuppe
Institut Sozialwesen der Universität Kassel
Islamisches Zentrum Kassel
Jugendarbeit Wesertor der Stadt Kassel
Kassel Kunsthochschule’s Performance and Multidisciplinary Class in collaboration with Class for Performance and Time Based Media from the Berlin University of the Arts
Kita Sonnenhang
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof gGmbH
Nisa e.V.
Stadtteilzentrum Wesertor
Unterneustädter Grundschule