Nhà Sàn Collective (NSC) began operating as an independent artist collective in Hanoi in 2013, when a group of friends set up a publicly accessible space. With or without a physical base, NSC has worked with fellow companions and collaborators to organize exhibitions, workshops, film screenings, talks, and other activities as a support platform for artists in the community. The initiative wants to encourage exchange, expansion, and connection.

Nhà Sàn Collective, Artists gathering at Nhà Sàn during Lunar New Year’s Eve, Hanoi, 2018, courtesy Nhà Sàn Collective
It is a place that is open toward works in progress and the unexpected; a just-do-it attitude that does not always yield answers. Some of the collective’s main projects, which have been held on numerous occasions, include Skylines With Flying People, IN:ACT Performance Art Festival, Queer Forever!, and the Emerging Artists Programme. The collective board consists of Trương Quế Chi, Nguyễn Phương Linh, Nguyễn Quốc Thành, Vũ Đức Toàn, and Tuấn Mami.
The name Nhà Sàn signifies the collective’s foundation which is rooted in the spirit of Nhà Sàn Studio, an artist-run space founded in 1998 in Hanoi. The original Nhà Sàn, a house on stilts, was taken apart in 2020. In the Ngọc Thụy area by the bank of the Red River, the artists imagine this house to become the new Nhà Sàn Collective space, rebuilt, and transformed.
For documenta fifteen, Nhà Sàn Collective traces a metaphorical connection from a Vietnamese bến (harbor) to the Fulda. By the river in Kassel, two performance installations stage the arrival of the playground installation, transporting the architectural materials, along with its community and their lived experiences. The collective also invites visitors to join them in cultivating a garden of migratory plants and narratives, joyful companionship inside a queer house with a sauna, offering haircuts, homemade wine and hosting discussions, workshops, as well as parties. Throughout the summer a series of events takes place in Ngọc Thuỵ, Hanoi, by the Red River, concluded by Nhà Sàn Collective’s open house party.
Invited participants
Ayesha Keshani
Bill Nguyễn
Đặng Thuỳ Anh
Đạt Vũ
Đinh Nhung (Vagina Talks / A Queer Museum)
Đinh Thảo Linh (ba-bau AIR)
Đỗ Văn Hoàng
Dương Thanh Quang
Helen Pritchard
La Mai
Lại Diệu Hà
Laura Burns
Lê Đình Chung
Lê Thị Lương
Lem Trag Nguyen
Nguyễn Đình Phương
Nguyễn Đình Phương
Nguyen Duc Tuong
Nguyễn Hoàng Anh
Nguyễn Hữu Hải Duy
Nguyễn Kiều Anh
Nguyễn Mạnh Đức
Nguyễn Nhật Quang
Nguyễn Phương Kiều Anh
Nguyễn Phương Linh
Nguyễn Quốc Thành
Nguyễn Thanh Tâm
Nguyễn Thị Diệp
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng
Nguyễn Thủy Tiên
Nguyễn Trần Nam
Nguyễn Trinh Thi
Nguyễn Văn Thuỷ
Nhi Lê
Phạm Hải
Phan Đông Thái
Phụ Lục (Nguyễn Huy An, Ngô Thành Bắc, Vũ Đức Toàn)
Phùng Tiến Sơn with Giáo phường Kim Đức
Quang Quang
Quynh Dong
Taey Iohe and Cian Dayrit
Trần Trung Hiếu
Trương Quế Chi
Tuấn Mami with Fami Farm
Vân Đỗ
Youngsook Choi
Sao La Collective
Đỗ Thanh Lãng
Nguyễn Đức Đạt
Nguyễn Kim Tố Lan