For ruangrupa and the lumbung artists, the Fridericianum stands for what lumbung is all about: a practice of sharing. With Fridskul (Fridericianum as a school), the former exhibition building has been given a new name, is a living space and meeting place for all. Collectives come together at regular intervals and decide together, for example, on the use of the rotunda. The exhibition is therefore not static. Many contributions by the lumbung members and lumbung artists develop and change during the exhibition.
As of today, new works by lumbung members and artists Jatiwangi art Factory, Kiri Dalena, Komîna Fîlm a Rojava, Dan Perjovschi, and Serigrafistas queer have been installed on the façade of the Fridericianum and complement the existing outdoor artworks by Richard Bell, Sead Kazanxhiu (RomaMoMA), and Dan Perjovschi.
For ruangrupa, lumbung is not a concept, but a practice. This practice changes dynamically through interactions between people. Therefore, documenta fifteen is not theme-based. It is not about lumbung, but it evolves together with lumbung. documenta fifteen is practicing lumbung. This affects the artistic process, which is shaped collectively.