Abdul Dube was born in ||Hui !Gais, also known as Cape Town. In the Khoe language this means “where clouds gather”. Dube likes to draw to gain insight. He is one of the harvesters of documenta fifteen. For the past 15 years the artist has been living and working in Denmark.

Abdul Dube, Harvesting documenta fifteen activities, Aarhus, 2022, courtesy the artist
He has been actively learning, expanding, and teaching the communicative practice called graphic recording and facilitation. This simple but powerful and engaging drawing practice captures conversations and shares thinking in group conversations online or in real space. He focuses his listening to capture discussions in words and image – the harvests. For him, the practice of harvesting helps groups and individuals to appreciate everyone’s voice. He has been following the conversations happening around documenta fifteen since the beginning of Covid-19 when the team members were forced to work online by harvesting the dialogues and meetings.