ruangrupa @ Art Basel
Conversations | majelis: an assembly hosted by ruangrupa on lumbung, documenta fifteen, and beyond
As a guest at Art Basel, ruangrupa spoke about the theory and practice of documenta fifteen together with members of her artistic team, lumbung member, and lumbung artists.
Hosts: Indra Ameng and farid rakun from ruangrupa as well as Gertrude Flentge, member of the Artistic Team
Speakers: BOLOHO, MADEYOULOOK, Sourabh Phadke, lumbung artists as well as Más Arte Más Acción, lumbung member
Language: English
All ruangrupa videos

Artist Collectives - The Ego Trip is Finished! | arte TWIST

Society of Arts Lecture 2022 by ruangrupa | Akademie van Kunsten

Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk | ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Visiting ruangrupa | 3sat Kulturzeit

Radio Art Zone meets ruruHaus

How can we rethink economics? | Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Vernetzung ist alles! | Monopol Podcast

Curator Culture: Out of Time | The Bass

ruangrupa at Te Kōrewa – The Drift | Artspace Aotearoa

Hanging out with ruangrupa | Frame Contemporary Art Finland