Artist Collectives – The Ego Trip is Finished! | arte TWIST

arte TWIST, still from Ego-Trip war gestern! Kunst im Kollektiv, 2021
The myth of the artist-genius—a single talent, kissed by the muse, egocentric—is how artists have long been glorified. But that seems to be over.
Among others, arte TWIST meets ruangrupa in Kassel and The Nest Collective in Nairobi to explore where the need for collective artistic practices comes from.
TWIST is the cultural magazine show of arte that visits a different European metropolis in each episode to take the pulse of its artistic scene.
Languages: German, French
Subtitles: English, Spanish, Polish, Italian
All ruangrupa videos

ruangrupa @ Art Basel

Society of Arts Lecture 2022 by ruangrupa | Akademie van Kunsten

Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk | ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Visiting ruangrupa | 3sat Kulturzeit

Radio Art Zone meets ruruHaus

How can we rethink economics? | Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Vernetzung ist alles! | Monopol Podcast

Curator Culture: Out of Time | The Bass

ruangrupa at Te Kōrewa – The Drift | Artspace Aotearoa

Hanging out with ruangrupa | Frame Contemporary Art Finland