lumbung calling: Generosity
The fourth lumbung calling focuses on the lumbung value of Generosity. Spanning material and emotional realms, generosity, or the willingness to give, is vital in any ecosystem-building processes. It also poses a firm challenge against competition, rivalry, and rarity—capitalist values that define contemporary life. In lumbung, generosity in imagining possibilities based on networking and collaboration abounds. It recognizes that knowledge is diverse, that it cannot be owned or claimed. Time and attention are inexhaustible resources in lumbung and thus should be generously shared in building more integrated ecosystems. More
Guests: Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh, lumbung artists and Mamou Daffé, social innovator and expert in art and culture management, member of Foundation sur le Niger
Hosts: Jumana Emil Abboud, lumbung artist and Mirwan Andan, member of ruangrupa
Language: English with translation into International Sign