CAMP notes on education
Global interconnectedness needs a contemporary practice of Arts Education and requires new translocal teaching and learning contexts. documenta fifteen provides a framework for instigating structural change in these areas. Within the framework of documenta fifteen, impulses for structural changes in these fields will be taken up and set. CAMP is a global as well as local network of teachers and learners in the fields of arts, art history, aesthetics, cultural policy, and cultural education, which was founded in the course of documenta fifteen. The mediation concept of documenta fifteen foresees a strong participation of the artists themselves. The practice of lumbung allows CAMP participants to learn about new parameters for non-hierarchical decision-making processes and resource allocation.
CAMP is working with a growing number of cooperation partners and networks to translate these values, rituals and organizational principles. It questions the foundations and practices of Arts Mediation and is looking for ways to learn in and from collectives and in community-based processes. With this focus, the network is constantly growing and opening up spaces for collective and project-based learning.
CAMP notes on education’s website

CAMP notes on education, Drawing by Daniella Fitria Praptono, 2022