At the heart of documenta fifteen is an exploration of economic experiments. Various working groups have emerged in order to examine the question: What concrete practices make it possible to build a collective arts economy, anchored in the local and based on lumbung values such as humor, generosity, independence, transparency, sufficiency, and regeneration?
Their aim is to re-envision what a way of living is that starts from the wellbeing of the community and its long term sustainability by building a long term lumbung together: a barn of collective resources that are shared to enhance the sustainability of artists collectives and their ekosistems around the world.
Since October 2020, the 14 lumbung members and the Artistic Team have come together in a working group called lumbung Economy. Here, they discussed what a long-term lumbung Economy, based on their shared values, would look like. From these wider discussions several working groups have emerged: lumbung Kios, lumbung Gallery, lumbung Land, and lumbung Currency.
They act as concrete mechanisms to generate unrestricted resources for longer term lumbung-building—or, in other words, to transvest money from the classical exhibition economy towards the commons-based lumbung Economy.