lumbung Film: Strike by Chang En-Man , Britto Arts Trust, Amol K Patil, Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture, Graziela Kunsch, Agus Nur Amal PMTOH, ikkibawiKrrr
Under the title lumbung Film: Strike films and videos by lumbung members, lumbung artists, and their ekosistems.
21st Century Light of the Factory by mixrice, ikkibawiKrrr (Length: 10 min.)
Many Kilometres, Several Words by Amol K Patil (Length: 10 min.)
Tritangtu by Agus Nur Amal PMTOH (Length: 64 min.)
– Break (15 min.) –
Decriminalization of Taiwanese Indigenous Hunting Rifles by Chang En-Man (Length: 32 min.)
Prantiker Prakitajan by Britto Arts Trust (Length: 24 min.)
Escolas [Schools] by Graziela Kunsch (Length: 4 min.)
Leafcutter by Liam Morgan, Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture (Length: 27 min.)
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 3, 34117 Kassel