To fulfill its function as a laboratory and a kitchen, the ruruHaus needs architectural modules to be added to its space. Two of them were a subject of research and design within this competition. The win- ning designs will be realized.
The up-cycle modular mobile kitchen is designed to be easily dismantled and ready to use as pop-up kitchen indoors and outdoors of the ruruHaus.
The characteristics of the up-cycle mobile sleeping capsule for one person are the easy dismantling and the possibility to multiply it for a community hostel. It will be installed as a pop-up sleeping capsule in ruruHaus.
Up-cycle Modular Mobile Kitchen
- 95/24 R 8,8 Jonas Wenner, Max Maurer
Up-cycle Mobile Sleeping Capsule
- 2HANDOCs Celina Ebbert, Paul Fleckenstein
- Baukiste Till Ihrig, Jonas Hohmann, Sebastian Birch
- Iswanto Hartono ruangrupa, Artistic Direction documenta fifteen
- Karin Stamm Göller + Stamm Architekten Kassel, graduate engineer Architect
- Ilka Berger HHS Planer + Architekten Kassel, graduate engineer Architect
- Prof. Berthold Penkhues Penkhues Architekten Kassel, graduate engineer Architect BDA
- Marc Köhler KM Architekten Kassel, graduate engineer Architect BDA
- Uwe Hoegen baufrösche Kassel, graduate engineer Architect BDA
- Harry Sachs Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik – ZK/U Berlin, Co-Director, graduate artist
Up-cycle Modular Mobile Kitchen
- Chamäleon Steffen Och
- ruruKüche Johannes Choe
- Verbinder Florian Bremer, Lara Loescher, Philip Wucher
- The Foodboard Christoph Gaisreiter, Peter Lauerer, Noah Lehmann
- PAL:COOKING Shelia Jap, Nikolas Susanto, Vicco Agung Saputra
Up-cycle Mobile Sleeping Capsule
- Scaffolding Florian Bremer, Lara Loescher, Philip Wucher
- Das Schifferklavier Christoph Gaisreiter, Peter Lauerer, Noah Lehmann
PAL:SLEEPING Shelia Jap, Nikolas Susanto, Vicco Agung Saputra