Invited to apply for the international Summer School Extractivism and its discontents: cultural and artistic counter-movements by lumbung member Más Arte Más Acción (MAMA), in cooperation with the University of Kassel, documenta Institut and CELA (Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Kassel), are students, artists and activists from the diverse fields of cultural sciences and arts. The Summer School takes place from September 7 to 18, 2022 in Kassel during documenta fifteen and is part of MAMA’s artistic project for the exhibition. Scholarships will be granted for some of the successful applicants with funds from DAAD.
The Summer School offers an international and interdisciplinary exchange on resource-extracting societies and the interconnectedness between the Global South and Europe. The focus lies on Latin America, specifically its ecological diversity and long (post)colonial experience of resource extraction. The term extractivism covers the extraction, use and export of natural resources such as oil, mining, agriculture and fisheries. It implies the problems that arise for countries of the Global South when, on the one hand, they are dependent on raw material exports and, on the other hand, are unable or unwilling to spread their economic activities more widely. The consequences of this dependence are socio-economic conflicts and illegal mining activities.
Applying an interdisciplinary perspective from the arts, humanities, cultural studies, and social sciences, the Summer School offers an innovative approach of artistic and discursive laboratories. Participants delve into the cultural, aesthetic and political implications of extractive economies to the global present. Simultaneously, alternative forms of thought and perspectives for collective action, sustainability and the cohabitation of various forms of life that emerge within radically changing ecosystems of the global present will be explored. Within this critical framework, the Summer School takes up MAMA’s artistic contributions to documenta fifteen. This transdisciplinary approach offers the possibility to develop the aesthetic, critical and acting potential of the arts, humanities, cultural studies and social sciences to devise sustainable cultural and social practices.
Supported by DAAD, German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ and CELA.
- Duration: September 7–18, 2022
- Place: Kassel, Germany
- Language: Spanish (sign language possible upon request)
- Application deadline: February 25, 2022, 11 pm CET
Further information of the summer course and application procedure