Tuấn Mami (Nhà Sàn Collective): Vietnamese Immigrating Garden
In the backyard of WH22, the Vietnamese Immigrating Garden holds plants and stories from immigrated Vietnamese families.
Nhà Sàn Collective’s member Tuấn Mami planted the garden together with the Vietnamese community of Kassel, as an extension of his study of the histories and societies of Vietnamese immigrants.
The Immigrating Garden continues Tuấn Mami’s research of Vietnamese immigration in different countries, migrating from Asia to Western Countries. The ongoing trans-geographic project aims to relearn our human’s migrating history by looking into Vietnamese immigration communities that consist of political refugees, imported laborers, students and others. The plants tell stories of people who left their homeland behind to relocate to a new place, new cultures.
All lumbung artists videos

Sa Sa Art Projects: Boung Soung: A Prayer for Peace and Prosperity

Saodat Ismailova: Chilltan

Welcome to RURUKIDS!

Graziela Kunsch: Public Daycare

Atis Rezistans | Ghetto Biennale: Veve Kunigundis and Jann Pase’l Pase & Mache Nap Mache

Atis Rezistans | Ghetto Biennale: Ghetto Gucci

La Intermundial Holobiente: Sublunar Nocturne

What is Fridskul?

documenta fifteen – half time

ruangrupa @ Art Basel

urun rembuk – Saodat Ismailova: ARAL. Fishing in an Invisible Sea, 2004

urun rembuk – Nguyen Trinh Thi: Landscape Series #1, 2013

urun rembuk – Pınar Öğrenci: Resisting Forest, 2019/20

Trailer for "Border Farce", a video artwork by lumbung artist Safdar Ahmed