Cosmopolitics of the Aue by La Intermundial Holobiente, Jatiwangi art Factory, Cao Minghao & Chen Jianjun
Cosmopolitics of the Aue by lumbung artists La Intermundial Holobiente takes a feral area of the Karlsaue Park as an example to discuss politics that take into account the many worlds that inhabit this world beyond our species, together with lumbung artists Cao Minghao & Chen Jianjun and Ismal Muntaha from lumbung member Jatiwangi Art Factory.
Invited guests
Noelia Billi
Dr. Ewald Langer
Cao Minghao & Chen Jianjun
Ismal Muntaha
2–4 pm
In the middle of the park, on the height Auedamm 27.
Coordinates: 7FXV+C5, 34121 Kassel