KMMN was created as an open, temporary exhibition and event format that took place in the summer of 2017 parallel to documenta 14.
The name plays with spoken language and possible levels of meaning. For example, when vocalized, “KMMN” sounds like both the English word “common” and the German word “kommen” (to come). In the ensuing years, the project was continued through collective student self-organization. In January 2020, kmmn_practice developed out of this context. As an open group, it participated in the documenta fifteen student design competition. kmmn_practice departs from familiar working methods and institutional structures, experimenting instead with forms of collective collaboration and pursuing an open, process-oriented platform.

kmmn_practice, Participatory platform, Stellwerk at the Kassel main railway station, 2020, Photo: Can Wagener
kmmn_practice’s concept for documenta fifteen is based on this participatory and collective model. The group’s focus is the active involvement of the public in the design process, and methods were developed and applied that enabled interested parties to participate, such as creating a “d” for “documenta” or picking a color using a specially programmed color generator. Can Wagener, Charlotte Bouchon, Chiny Udeani, Johannes Choe, Malika Teßmann, Saskia Kaffenberger, and Sebastian Hohmann were involved in the implementation of this project. Currently the group is investigating what kmmn_practice can and wants to be.