Tokyo Reels Film Festival by Subversive Film
Screening of Reel no. 21 aka Restoring Solidarity with the presence of the film director Mohanad Yaqubi, who will be in dialog with the audience after the screening, this will be followed with screening Program 2 of the Tokyo Reels Film Festival by lumbung artist Subversive Film.
Reel no. 21 aka Restoring Solidarity (Length: 65 min.)
Q&A with Mohanad Yaqubi (Length: 30 min.)
Palestine: The Path to Tragedy (Length: 21 min.)
Welcome to Jordan (Length: 26 min.)
The Field (Length: 11 min.)
Scenes of the Occupation from Gaza (Length: 13 min.)
Kufr Shuba (Length: 35 min.)
Why (Length: 28 min.)
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 3, 34117 Kassel