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urun rembuk
Please note that the images are protected by copyright and may only be used with the corresponding credit lines in the context of media and press coverage on documenta fifteen (June 18 to September 25, 2022). Images should not be cropped, altered or color corrected in any way. Text should not be superimposed over the images.

documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, ARAL. Fishing in an Invisible Sea, 2004, Saodat Ismailova and Andrea Linnenkohl, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Landscape Series #1, 2013, Nguyen Trinh Thi and Andrea Linnenkohl, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Collaborative Research Center 990, Universität Göttingen: Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems, Dr. Holger Kreft and Prof. Dr. Meike Wollni, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Forum Wissen: A Museum on Knowledge, Dr. Marie Luisa Allemeyer, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Rumah Budaya Sikukeluang: semah bumi – Arts and Science Festival as a Medium for Sustainable Environments, Mirwan Andan and Heri Budiman, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Rumah Budaya Sikukeluang: semah bumi – Arts and Science Festival as a Medium for Sustainable Environments, Guest and Heri Budiman, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Resisting Forest, 2019/20, Pınar Öğrenci, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, ruangrupa, Artistic Direction documenta fifteen: documenta fifteen and Sustainable Ecologies, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, Possible Dialogues Cap. 2, Más Arte Más Acción, 2021, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, The Art of Work – How We Help the Forest to Save the Climate, HessenForst, f.l.t.r. Lutz Hofheinz, Michael Gerst, Michelle Sundermann, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, urun rembuk – thinking and acting on sustainability, panel discussion, ruruHaus, Kassel, November 5, 2021, panel discussion, Photo: Nicolas Wefers