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lumbung artists
Please note that the images are protected by copyright and may only be used with the corresponding credit lines in the context of media and press coverage on documenta fifteen (June 18 to September 25, 2022). Images should not be cropped, altered or color corrected in any way. Text should not be superimposed over the images.
Agus Nur Amal PMTOH
Alice Yard

Christopher Cozier, Sean Leonard, Nicholas Laughlin, and Kriston Chen of Alice Yard, Belmont, Port of Spain, July 2021, photo: Mark Lyndersay
DownloadAmol K Patil
Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC)

Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC), ARAC/Arts Research Africa Symposium on Arts Education in Africa, Johannesburg, 2020, photo: Boipelo Khunou, courtesy ARAC
DownloadArchives des luttes des femmes en Algérie

Archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie, a collection of Algerian women’s rights and feminist collectives and associations’ documents, dating from the 1990s, Algiers, 2020, photo: Hichem Merouche, courtesy Archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie
DownloadArts Collaboratory
Asia Art Archive
Atis Rezistans | Ghetto Biennale

Atis Rezistans | Ghetto Biennale, The Big Chair by Joe Winter at 3rd Ghetto Bienale 2013, Port-au-Prince, photo: Multiversal Services / Lazaros
DownloadBaan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture

Baan Norg Collaborative Arts and Culture, Pop Up Museum (Model Study for Nongpho Community), Artists in Residence, Artistic Research and Contemporary Art Exhibition Project, OFF LAB#2/2014, Nong Pho, 2014, photo: Baan Norg Collaborative Arts and Culture
Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture, Skate to Milk: Baan Noorg to documenta fifteen, Nong Pho, 2022, Photo: Krittaporn Mahaweerarat
Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture, Skate to Milk: Baan Noorg to documenta fifteen, Nong Pho, 2022, Photo: Krittaporn Mahaweerarat
Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture, Skate to Milk: Baan Noorg to documenta fifteen, Nong Pho, 2022, Photo: Krittaporn Mahaweerarat
Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture, Skate to Milk: Baan Noorg to documenta fifteen, Nong Pho, 2022, photos: Krittaporn Mahaweerarat.
DownloadBlack Quantum Futurism

One Day At BOLOHO Space In Guangzhou, color printing from woodcut by BOLOHO, 2021, courtesy BOLOHO
DownloadCao Minghao & Chen Jianjun

Cao Minghao & Chen Jianjun, Water System Project, Wen Chuan, 2019, photo: Cao Minghao and Chen Jianjun
DownloadCentre d'art Waza

Centre d’art Waza, poetry performance session at the Centre d’art Waza courtyard during the opening of its art education program Kazi 2.0, Lubumbashi, 2018, photo: Berry Numbi, courtesy Centre d’art Waza
DownloadCHANG En-man

Portrait of Chang En-Man, still from Happy Mountain, video, dual channel, 18' 25", 2015, courtesy the artist
Cinema Caravan and Takashi Kuribayashi
Dan Perjovschi

Dan Perjovschi, The Horizontal Newspaper - The Revolution Edition, white and black permanent marker on wall, 35 x 4 m, Sibiu, 2019, photo: Dan Perjovschi, courtesy the artist and FITS The International Theatre Festival Sibiu
documenta fifteen, Dan Perjovschi, Generosity, Regeneration, Transparency, Independence, Sufficiency, Local Anchor and most of all Humor, Kassel, 2022, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, Dan Perjovschi, Generosity, Regeneration, Transparency, Independence, Sufficiency, Local Anchor and most of all Humor, Kassel, 2022, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, Dan Perjovschi, Generosity, Regeneration, Transparency, Independence, Sufficiency, Local Anchor and most of all Humor, Kassel, 2022, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
documenta fifteen, Dan Perjovschi, Generosity, Regeneration, Transparency, Independence, Sufficiency, Local Anchor and most of all Humor, Kassel, 2022, Photo: Nicolas Wefers
DownloadEl Warcha
Erick Beltrán
Fehras Publishing Practices

Fehras Publishing Practices, Scenes of Borrowed Faces: Al-Sharq Bookstore, no. 1–5 (Detail), Fotoroman-Reihe, gerahmte Fotografien, Farbe, 50 x 70 cm, 2020, Courtesy Fehras Publishing Practices
DownloadGraziela Kunsch

Graziela Kunsch, Escolas [Schools], videostill, Acervo Videobrasil 2016, courtesy the artist and Acervo Videobrasil
DownloadHamja Ahsan

Hamja Ahsan at Introvert Activism and the Resistful Unseen, book presentation, PrintRoom, Rotterdam, 2019, photo: Florian Cramer
Jimmie Durham
Jumana Emil Abboud

Jumana Emil Abboud, I am my own talisman II (from the Unbearable Halfness of Being), beeswax and turmeric, sizes variable, 2021, commissioned for documenta fifteen, courtesy the artist
DownloadKeleketla! Library

Keleketla! Library, Skaftien #4, in the frame of documenta fifteen, May 8, 2022, Drill Hall, Johannesburg, Photo: Bongani Mndaweni
Keleketla! Library, The Allure of Gold and Other Solidarity Stories, exhibition view (detail), 10th Berlin Biennale, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU2), 2018, photo: Timo Ohler, adapted by Keleketla! Library, courtesy Berlin Biennale
DownloadKiri Dalena
Komîna Fîlm a Rojava

Komîna Fîlm a Rojava, filming Stories of destroyed cities, Derbesiye, 2016, photo: Nadia Derwish
DownloadLa Intermundial Holobiente
LE 18

MADEYOULOOK, Ejaradini, installation view, Johannesburg Art Gallery, 2018, photo: RicardoMarkusK, courtesy MADEYOULOOK
DownloadMarwa Arsanios

Marwa Arsanios, still from Who is Afraid of Ideology? Part 4, 28', 2021, courtesy the artist
DownloadNguyen Trinh Thi

Nguyen Trinh Thi records environmental sounds at a Jarai cemetery, Gia Lai province, Central Highlands, Vietnam, 2020, photo: Jamie Maxtone-Graham, courtesy the artist
Testing the shadow of a chili forest for Landscape series #5: And They Die a Natural Death in the artist’s studio, 2022, Photo: Jamie Maxtone-Graham
DownloadNhà Sàn Collective

Nhà Sàn Collective, Artists gathering at Nhà Sàn during Lunar New Year’s Eve, Hanoi, 2018, courtesy Nhà Sàn Collective
DownloadNino Bulling
ook_ [reinaart vanhoe, Neue Brüderkirche, Espora, BPOC Festival Kassel, me_sobat, Colorlabor, graanschuur Tarwewijk, Elaine W. Ho, Bartira, Wok The Rock, COLLECTive, k. format, Take-A-Way, Plan B, Dynamitas unlimited, ...]
Party Office b2b Fadescha
Pınar Öğrenci
Richard Bell

Richard Bell, 2018, photo: Savannah van der Niet, courtesy the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane
DownloadSa Sa Art Projects

Opening performance at Breath: Graduate Exhibition of Contemporary Art Class, Sa Sa Art Projects, Phnom Penh, 2020, courtesy Sa Sa Art Projects
DownloadSada [regroup]

Interview with Baghdad-based artist Sajjad Abbas sharing images of his work at a workshop organized by Sada in Iraq, 2012, courtesy Rijin Sahakian
DownloadSafdar Ahmed
Saodat Ismailova
Serigrafistas queer

Serigrafistas queer, drawing, 2016, ASK. Archivo Serigrafistas Kuir, courtesy Serigrafistas queer
DownloadSiwa plateforme - L'Economat at Redeyef
Sourabh Phadke
Subversive Film

Film canisters from the Tokyo Reels collection, Subversive Film, 2018–ongoing, courtesy Subversive Film
DownloadTaring Padi

Carnival Remembering 4 years of the Lapindo mud Tragedy at Siring Barat, Porong, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia, 2010, courtesy Taring Padi
DownloadThe Black Archives

The Black Archives, collection of over 10.000 books and documents on colonialism, slavery, liberation and emancipation, Amsterdam, 2020, photo: The Black Archives
DownloadThe Nest Collective
Wakaliga Uganda
yasmine eid-sabbagh

From Vies possibles et imaginaires (Editions Photosynthèses, Arles, 2012), a collaboration with Rozenn Quéré, courtesy the artist