
Redaktion Kunstgespräche: search – research – ask – listen – talks about documenta fifteen

Location: ruruHaus basement

Languages: German


Every Wednesday from 6 – 7:30 pm Redaktion Kunstgespräche invites you to the basement of the ruruHaus to ask and research together about the central concerns of documenta fifteen. They provide inspiration and listen to what documenta fifteen visitors have to say. The offer provides space and time for the search for the personal attitude towards art and life in exchange with others.

Invited guests

THe LoG FFiDD15:
Doro-Thea Chwalek
Frank Lorberg
Georg Müller
Liane-Heide Niederhoff
Diana Rothaug
Friedrich Vollbracht



Obere Königsstraße 43, 34117 Kassel



Location: ruruHaus basement

Languages: German


conversing gathering

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