Decolonising Botany Constellations by Nhà Sàn Collective
The Decolonising Botany Working Group occupies a space called A Refusing Oasis in Tuan Mami’s Immigrating Garden in WH22, which is part of lumbung artist Nhà Sàn Collective’s contribution to documenta fifteen. Decolonising Botany Constellations, a slow-paced durational performance, navigates different experiences of solidarity in anti-colonial struggle, collective unsettlements, and multivocal ceremonies.
Invited guests
Laura Burns
Youngsook Choi
Cian Dayrit
Taey Iohe
Ayesha Keshani
Helen Pritchard
In English and Vietnamese with translation into English.
Vietnamese Immigrating Garden
Werner-Hilpert-Straße 22, 34117 Kassel