
Commoning Curatorial and Artistic Education #12

Location: ruruHaus Underground

Languages: English


This program is part of a lecture series by the Shared Campus platform, Zurich University of the Arts, as part of one of the Summer Schools of CAMP notes on education:

Concerning the commoning aspect of this Summer School, approaches as by the feminist thinker Silvia Federici are negotiated. She identified commons as the shared goods and knowledges of deviant groups. A renewed thinking about the commons is linked to movements of self-organisation and resistance and is now inspiring, different cultural, artistic, and curatorial events. Can the art field introduce together with activist movements, the projection of living together in a communal way, sharing resources and knowledges?

From the Struggles for Common Land to the Struggles for Spatial Commons: As soon as one deals with the commons, one must also talk about space. The question of the availability of spatial resources includes the question of their accessibility, protection, economy as well as spatial organisation. After a first overview of historical forms and contemporary theories of commons we want to jointly discuss individual spatial experiences of commoning moments or conventions in order to speculate on the necessary struggle for self-organised art and cultural spaces as spatial commons.

You can find more information on the website of CAMP notes on education.

Invited guests

Public Movement (Dana Yahalomi)



Obere Königsstraße 43, 34117 Kassel



Location: ruruHaus Underground

Languages: English


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