Let there be lumbung (Day 2)
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
4–4.30 pm John Roosa: Dangerous Images and Moral Panics in Indonesia, 1965 to the Present
4.30–5 pm Q&A
5–5.30 pm Coffee break
5.30–6 pm Charles Esche: The 1st Exhibition of the 21st Century
6–6.30 pm Q&A
The conference Let there be lumbung from Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 23, 2022 at ruruHaus in Kassel, in the sense of nongkrong (Indonesian for “hanging out”), provides a forum for contextualizing art practices by ways of lumbung.
documenta fifteen invites to join the discussion of lumbung practices and its reception in different contexts. There are panels about the origins of lumbung, its social and historical contexts, repercussions, and its potentialities beyond documenta fifteen. The conference, which takes place in the last week of the 100 days of the exhibition in Kassel, includes a series of talks by scholars and cultural practitioners from various time zones. See the whole program here.