Lecture Series on Arts, Cultures, Policies & Educational Practices #9

CAMP notes on education #9, Kassel, 2021, courtesy the artists
From September 2021 to February 2022, CAMP notes on education is running a series of lectures on Arts, Cultures, Policies, and Educational Practices. In nine online sessions, internationally renowned experts at the interface of Arts, Cultural Policy and Education will present their concepts and approaches. They will be talking about their research within their particular contexts. Through dialogue and knowledge-sharing, participants will have an opportunity to reflect on their own concepts, methods and practical experiences in the context of the upcoming documenta fifteen.
The curatorial approach of the artists’ collective ruangrupa is to locate art in people’s everyday lives and, with documenta fifteen, create a place for shared knowledge production. In line with this concept, the lecture series and its speakers will ask questions about the free and institutionalised spheres of arts and education. CAMP notes on education initiates a dialogue on the social and political factors that influence the emergence of artistic practice.
The series is organized in collaboration with the University of Hildesheim and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. The lectures will be moderated by students and held in English due to the presence of international speakers.
CAMP notes on education
CAMP notes on education is a glocal* network of teachers and learners in the fields of arts, arts history, aesthetics, cultural policy and arts education. CAMP uses the practice of lumbung as an opportunity to place the question of contemporary Arts Education in networked and global contexts. For example, what role does it play in relation to artistic and curatorial actors? How does it position itself in the current cultural policy discourse?
The contemporary practice of Arts Education needs new responses to translocal teaching and learning contexts. documenta fifteen should provide a framework for instigating structural change in these areas. lumbung allows CAMP participants to learn about new parameters for horizontal decision-making processes and resource allocation. In the coming weeks and months, CAMP will be working with a growing number of cooperation partners and networks to translate these values, rituals and organizational principles. It will be questioning the foundations and practices of Arts Mediation and looking for ways to learn in and from collectives.
With this focus, CAMP notes on education is constantly growing and opening up spaces for collective and project-based learning.
*glocal = global-local
Thursday, February 17, 2022:
Lecture: People Theatre: Journeying through Experiences of Critical Awareness and Consciousness-raising
Speaker: Pepetual Mforbe
This lecture explores the concept of People Theatre, concentrating on its impact on marginalised communities and individuals. The conceptualization of the theatre facilitator as a mediator between the workshop participants, the performance, and the audience is critical to the People Theatre process as it underscores the entire project of social transformation. People Theatre workshops that have taken place in communities in Cameroon and Germany demonstrated how the practice has made meaningful impact on conscientisation.
Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong is Assistant Professor of African Literatures and Cultures at the Institute of Asian and African Studies in the Department of African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin. The main focus of her scientific research lies in African Performative Arts in relation to postcolonial literatures, Theatre for Development, People Cinema and the representations of old age in African theatre and Performance. She is a member and executive board of the African Theatre Association (AfTA).
Lecture: From the “art of places” to “the place of art”: decolonization of culture and development of a transcultural dialogue
Speaker: Paul Henri Souvenir Assako Assako
In the Cameroonian artistic context, it strongly appears that the success of artistic education depends on two main levers: on the one hand, re-establishing the historical link of the endogenous artistic experience in current society and on the other hand, finding the modalities which lead art to fit into the vision of sustainable development to which contemporary society aspires. Our contribution consists in presenting some intuitions of practices which took these levers into account in the realization of some original artistic and cultural projects promoted by the private sector and international cooperation programs in Cameroon.
Paul-Henri Souvenir Assako Assako is Head of the Fine Arts and Art History Section at the University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon. He is also Director of Libre Académie des Beaux-arts (LABA) in Douala, an academy of arts and design. His research focuses on the study of visual arts from the 20th century onwards in Africa. He has conducted cooperation projects with international partners, curated exhibitions and organised conferences on Art and Creativity for Sustainable Development.
Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 12—1.30 pm (CET) via Zoom.
Everyone is invited to join in the discussion.
The lecture series will be broadcast live on the CAMP notes on education website and all sessions will be available there after the event.
Please note: the events will be filmed and archived. For more information on taking part, please see the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Community Agreement of CAMP notes on education.
Due to the international speakers all lectures will be held in English.
All Lecture Dates
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Speaker: Antje Budde
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Speakers: Emily Akuno & Mary Clare Kidenda
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Speakers: Samuel Ravengai, Milena Valeva & Yongfei Du
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Speakers: Patrique deGraft-Yankson & Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Speaker: Meriam Bousselmi
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Speakers: Charlene Rajendran & Chee-Hoo Lum
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Speaker: Timo Jokela
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Speaker: Avi Sooful
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Speakers: Pepetual Mforbe & Paul Henri Souvenir Assako Assako
Online via Zoom