Churning Milk Knowledge Sharing (Nongpho/Kassel) by Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture
Location: Biolandhof Krug, Knallhütter Str. 32, 34225 Baunatal
Languages: English, German
Churning Milk Knowledge Sharing by lumbung artist Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture is an exchange program between the villages of Nongpho in Thailand (represented by Baan Noorg) and Baunatal in Germany (represented by the Biolandhof Krug farm). Both sides exchange knowledge on and experience in dairy farming in order to increase their knowhow on self-made dairy products and alternative economic practices.
Invited guests
Members of the Biolandhof Krug farm
Biolandhof Krug, Knallhütter Str. 32, 34225 Baunatal
Location: Biolandhof Krug, Knallhütter Str. 32, 34225 Baunatal
Languages: English, German